<aside> 🧹 @Michael Shilman
Combinatorial testing is a powerful way to quickly achieve broad test coverage. This document proposes a set of features, implemented as an addon, to bring combinatorial stories to Storybook. With the recent introduction of Storybook Args, we now have a principled way to do this in CSF.
Consider the following story:
export const DefaultCombinations: CSFStory<JSX.Element> = () => (
presetProps={{ children: 'Button' }}Â
combinations={[useStates, sizeStates, arrowStates, contentStates]}
One can imagine a component that renders the different states of a component in a grid, which would be a simple and valuable addon in and of itself.
This proposal considers an Args-based approach that achieve a few more objectives:
Storybook CSF is an ES6 module-based standard for component examples. Here is an example of a single configuration of a button:
// Button.stories.js
export const Basic = {
args: { size: 'small', arrow: 'left', children: 'Button'}
Now consider a combinatorial specification:
// Button.combo.js
export const Basic = {
combos: {
size: ['small', 'medium', 'large'],
arrow: ['left', null],
 children: ['Button', 'Long text']
This isn’t valid CSF. But it’s a trivial transformation to make it CSF:
// Button.combo.stories.js
const Basic1 = { args: { size: 'small' arrow: 'left', children: 'Button' } };
const Basic2 = { args: { size: 'small' arrow: 'left', children: ‘Long text' } };
export const Basic12 = { args: { size: 'large' arrow: null, children: ‘Long text' } };