Interested in sharing your work using Storybook? Below, discover conferences around the world with open calls for papers. Updated each Monday by Storybook maintainers.

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✅ Successful abstracts

Browse past abstracts successfully submitted to conferences:

Storybook is the industry standard UI development workshop for components and pages. It provides great value for development and documentation, and now you can use your favourite tools like Jest and Testing library to write tests in your stories that will run directly in the browser! Let’s explore all the testing possibilities in the next versions of Storybook and see how all of that works.

When developing UI in a project, how many times did you experience developers and designers being out of sync?  This happens when there is a gap between design and development. In this talk I will be showing you how Storybook, Chromatic and Figma can bridge that gap and greatly improve collaboration in your team, presenting you with use cases and demos.

🎨 Materials

Visit the Storybook brand repo on GitHub to explore Storybook assets that you can use in your presentations – including logos, videos, and Storybook’s brand colors.

Draw inspiration, insights, and design elements from past presentations given by Storybook maintainers:




